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Temporary Worker Licence

To hire workers on a short-term basis from overseas, UK employers have to apply for a Temporary Worker Sponsor Licence.


Any UK business looking to recruit an overseas national under one of the Temporary Worker routes must first have in place a valid licence to sponsor this category of worker. Below we look closely at the rules and requirements relating to the Temporary Worker sponsor licence.

Temporary Worker Sponsor Licence

A ‘Temporary Worker’ licence will let you employ people on a temporary basis. A worker applying for permission under any one of these Temporary Worker routes must have a sponsorship certificate for an eligible job role meeting certain route-specific requirements. The sponsor confirms this by assigning them a valid CoS. This is an electronic certificate with a unique reference number that can be used to submit their visa application to UKVI.

  • Creative or Sporting Worker – to work as a high-level sportsperson (up to 1 year), entertainer or artist (up to 2 years)
  • Charity Worker – for unpaid workers at a charity (up to 1 year)
  • Religious Worker – for those working in a religious order or organisation (2 years)
  • Government Authorised Exchange Worker – work experience (1 year), research projects or training, for example, practical medical or scientific training (2 years) to enable a short-term exchange of knowledge.
  • International Agreement Worker – where the worker is coming to do a job which is covered by international law, for example, employees of overseas governments.
  • Seasonal Worker – for those coming to the UK for up to 6 months to do farm work.

How to apply for a sponsorship licence

Applications for a sponsorship licence must be made using the online application form. A legal representative can help prepare the application, but it must be an employee of the organisation who submits the application. Applicants will be asked to choose the tier, categories and subcategories. Applicants must print off and sign a submission sheet which must be sent with the necessary supporting evidence via post within 5 working days of the date of the application.

How can we help you?

We offer bespoke tailor-made solutions for our clients to make the process simple for you, by advising you on your obligations as a sponsor and how to ensure compliance, assisting you in preparing your sponsor licence application online and ensuring that you have the correct documentary evidence. We also offer a mock Home Office compliance audit so you are well prepared in the event of a compliance visit.

At Adivis, we will:

  • Advise on applying for a sponsor licence so you can employ workers from outside EU countries;
  • Adapt your HR processes to make sure you are compliant with Home Office obligations;
  • Carry out mock Home Office audits to help you implement systems to keep correct records and comply with the strict reporting duties required under a sponsor licence;
  • Implement or refine your processes and procedures so that they are in line with immigration laws and policies.
  • Advise you about issuing Certificates of Sponsorship;
  • Help you to manage the sponsorship process by acting as your appointed Level 1 or Level 2 user;
  • Manage the smooth transfer of staff from your overseas branch to the UK;
  • Advise you on UK settlement for your employees;
  • Assist your employees and their families on initial entry and extension applications;
  • Inform you about legal and procedural changes.

Contact us today

Adivis assists international clients in obtaining UK visas, residence and citizenship under the respective programs. Contact us to arrange an initial private consultation.

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Adivis is the trading name of Adivis Ltd company registered in England and Wales with company number: 12633225. 

This firm is regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner.

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