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Global Talent Visa

The Global Talent visa is a UK immigration category for talented and promising individuals in specific sectors wishing to work in the UK.

To be considered for entry under the Global Talent visa, applicants must normally seek endorsement from one of six endorsing bodies engaged by the UK Home Office.


The Global Talent Visa category is not subject to a cap on the number of applicants, does not require a job offer and can lead to settlement in the UK.  A dependent partner and dependent children under 18 can apply under this route.

Global Talent visa applicants can choose how much leave, in whole years, up to a maximum of 5 years, they wish to be granted in a single application. This flexibility allows Global Talent visa applicants to minimise their Immigration Health Surcharge payment where, for example, they only wish to come to the UK for 2 years.

Global Talent Visa Requirements

In order to qualify for a Global Talent visa, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that:

  • You are aged 18 or over;
  • You have been issued with an endorsement letter by a Home Office-approved endorsing body or have been awarded a prize listed in Appendix Global Talent: Prestigious Prizes;
  • Your application does not fall under the general grounds for refusal;
  • You have provided a valid TB certificate if required.

Global Talent Category English Language Requirement

Global Talent applicants applying to enter the category or extend their stay in the Global Talent route do not need to satisfy an English language requirement.  However, Global Talent migrants must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the English language in order to qualify for settlement in the UK.

Global Talent Visa Extension

If you decide that you want to stay in the UK for longer than you anticipated, or if for any reason you are not able to apply for settlement following your initial grant of leave, for example, due to excessive absences, then it is possible to extend your stay in the UK. There is no maximum number of years that you are able to remain in the UK in the Global Talent visa category.

In order to qualify for an extension of stay on the Global Talent route, you will need to have earned money in the UK during your last grant of leave and these earnings will need to have been linked to the field which led to your initial Global Talent endorsement (if your initial application was granted using an endorsement) or a field related to the subject matter of your prize (if your initial application was granted using a prize listed in Appendix Global Talent: Prestigious Prizes). You will need to provide evidence from an independent source that is verifiable by the Home Office.

If your initial application was granted using an endorsement you must also not have had your endorsement withdrawn by the endorsing body and the endorsing body must continue to be approved by the Home Office.  The Home Office will also check your character and immigration history to check that you do not fall for refusal under the general grounds.

Global Talent Visa Indefinite Leave to Remain

If you continue to satisfy the requirements for an extension of stay set out above and demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the English language and life in the UK then you will be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain after spending a continuous period of 3 years in the UK if:

  • You were endorsed by the Royal Society, British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering or UKRI; or
  • You were endorsed under the exceptional talent criteria by Arts Council England or Tech Nation; or
  • You were granted your initial application using a prize listed in Appendix Global Talent: Prestigious Prizes.

If you were last endorsed under the “exceptional promise” criteria for Arts Council England or Tech Nation you will need to spend a continuous period of 5 years in the UK before being eligible to apply for settlement.

Global Talent Visa Residence Requirements

In order to qualify for indefinite leave to remain in the Global Talent category, you will need to have spent not more than 180 days outside the UK during any rolling 12 months during the continuous period of leave relied upon.

Global Talent migrants who hold leave following an endorsement by one of the endorsing bodies for science, engineering, humanities and medicine and who have undertaken research overseas directly related to their grant of leave, will not have such absences counted when they apply for settlement.  Partners of Global Talent migrants will be treated in the same way.

Switching Into the Global Talent Route

Applications to switch into the Global Talent route may be made from within the UK provided the applicant does not currently have or was not last granted, permission to stay as a Visitor, Short-term Student, Parent of a Child Student; Seasonal Worker; Domestic worker in a private household or outside the Immigration Rules.

If you hold leave in any of the above categories then you will be required to leave the UK and submit your application for a Global Talent visa from your home country.

Global Talent Visa Application Processing Times

If you intend to get to the UK as quickly as possible, you can use priority services at most application centres to get a quick decision on your application. You should work on the basis that the Home Office processing will take around a month, but with priority services, it can take around a week to receive a decision.  At some application centres, there is a 24-hour processing service.

You should bear in mind that before the visa application is processed, you will need to wait for a decision on your endorsement application from the endorsing body.

Working in the UK on a Global Talent Visa

When you enter the UK in the Global Talent category, you will have a full right to work (including self-employment and voluntary work) but you will not be permitted to be employed as a professional sportsperson or coach.

There is no requirement that you complete a certain amount of work, though you will need to do some if you intend to settle in the UK permanently.

You will also have a right to study in the UK if you wish to, but you will not be permitted to access public funds.

Bringing Family Members

Global Talent visa holders can bring their Spouse, Civil Partner or Unmarried Partner.  They can also bring their children, providing they are under the age of 18 when they make their first visa application to enter the category.

Apply for a Global Talent Visa

Your Global Talent visa application must be made within three months of the date that you receive your endorsement and can be made up to three months before you intend to travel. You should therefore plan ahead to the date that you intend to arrive in the UK and work backwards.

How Our Immigration Advisers Can Help UK Global Talent Applicants

Our immigration advisers have experience in assisting talented and promising individuals for Global Talent Visa in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, humanities, digital technology and arts and culture wishing to work in the UK.  Our advisers are experts in immigration options and will guide you through the complex Home Office rules and policies.

We pride ourselves on being approachable and proactive in understanding and meeting our client’s needs. We are a highly driven team, dedicated to providing clear and reliable immigration advice to clients as part of a professional and friendly service.

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Adivis is the trading name of Adivis Ltd company registered in England and Wales with company number: 12633225. 

This firm is regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner.

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