Appointments Enquiry Insights

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Adivis Ltd generally charges fixed fees only as listed below. The exact fee we charge will vary depending on the complexity of your matter, however, we will always agree with you before accepting instructions from you how much the fixed fee will be.  Below, we have provided an indication of the range of charges that are likely to apply for a range of different immigration matters:

Immigration Work Type Fixed Fee (excluding VAT)
(Tier 1 Entrepreneur) (Tier 1 Investor) (initial application/ extension/indefinite leave) £7,000
Start-up visa £6,500
Innovator visa £10,000
Skilled Worker Visa (initial application/extension/indefinite leave to remain) £2,500
Student Visa (Child Student Visa) £1,500
Parent of a Child Student £3,000
PBS Dependant’s visa £1,000
Family-based application under Appendix FM (initial application /extension/indefinite leave to remain) £3,000
Application for indefinite leave to remain £2,500
Visit visa applications £3,000
Application for British citizenship £1,500


What Services are Included?

The indicative fixed fee ranges set out above include all the following work:

  • Discussing your circumstances with you in detail and confirming is the most appropriate course of action for you and what other options may be available to you;
  • Giving you advice about the requirements of the Immigration Rules and whether you meet the criteria;
  • Considering the supporting evidence you have provided;
  • Where necessary, helping you obtain any further evidence in support of your matter, including taking statements of any witnesses if needed;
  • Preparing any documents, including Home Office applications, and submitting the same on your behalf;
  • Where relevant, attendance at a Home Office interview: if the Home Office ask you to attend an interview, we will give you clear advice and, if required, attend with you.
  • Giving you advice about the outcome of your matter and any further steps you need to take. 

What Services are not Included?

The indicative fixed fee ranges quoted above do not include any advice and assistance in relation to any further appeal where the Home Office refuses your application.


The indicative fixed fee ranges quoted above relate solely to the fees of Adivis and do not include any disbursements.

Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as business plan writers, home office fees, immigration health surcharge, any experts’ fees, interpreter’s fees or translation charges. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.

The application fee payable to the Home Office could be found at:


Disbursements, other than the Home Office fees, will usually attract VAT which is charged at 20%.

How long will my application take?

It is difficult to estimate the time to get a final decision from the Home Office depends on various factors involved in the application and the time it would take for the Home Office to consider the applications. It is likely that in most straightforward cases it would take 3-6 months for the Home Office to provide a decision.

We cannot guarantee how long the Home Office will take to process your application. Read the current processing times here.

We will normally be able to submit your application within 2 weeks of you instructing us provided you give us all relevant information and documentation without delay, but we will let you know at the earliest opportunity if it is likely to take longer than this.

Please note the indicative fixed fee ranges shown above are an estimate. All applications are likely to vary and of course, we can give you a more accurate estimate once we have more information about your specific case.

OISC Registration Number: 041097

Bank Name: TBS Bank

Account Title: Adivis ltd

Account Number: 00082337

Sort Code: 30-98-70


Contact us today

Adivis assists international clients in obtaining UK visas, residence and citizenship under the respective programs. Contact us to arrange an initial private consultation.

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Adivis is the trading name of Adivis Ltd company registered in England and Wales with company number: 12633225. 

This firm is regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner.

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